Saturday 22 February 2014

Bring Back Youthfulness with Thread Lift !!!

If you feel concerned about sagging, droopy or loose skin??? 

Thread Lift

As an anti-aging alternative to cosmetic surgery, a threadlift is a minimally-invasive technique designed to give you a refreshed appearance through the use of fine surgical threads. Although a threadlift can raise droopy areas of the brow, cheeks, jowls, and neck, it will not produce the same dramatic results as a facelift or brow lift.

The biggest advantage of a thread lift is the absence of visible scars and the very short downtime from routine activities. Thread lift is a new alternative to the traditional face lift.

You are a good candidate for the procedure if:
  • You are in your 30s or 40s. People of 50 and over can be candidates  as  long  as their skin has not become too lax.
  • You want to improve your looks by enhancing and highlighting features lost to premature ageing, improving sagging or loose skin     on your face and neck.
  • The changes that have occurred in your face

Thread Lift Procedure

The Thread Lift procedure involves the insertion of barbed polypropylene or intradermal threads under the skin of the face using a ‘tunneling’ technique. Lifting of lax issues are produced by pulling the threads taut and anchoring one end in the deep tissues above the hairline. Tiny slits are made in the skin and the threads are inserted with needles using a zig-zag type pattern to ensure they adhere properly. The thread lift can be done under local anaesthetic and hospitalisation is not needed.

The real advantages of the thread lift technique are:
  • Can be performed under local anesthetics
  • Scarring is minimal and hidden in the hairline.
  • The bruising is significantly less than with a mini face lift. 

Face care surgery for attaining best face shape for both men and women includes  face liposuction, face sculpting, double chin reduction, thread lift. Ojas Aesthetic clinic offers best face surgery procedures for perfect face shapes.

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