Thursday 30 April 2015

Best Weight Loss Treatment in India

Ultrasound Non surgical slimming

By using the latest ultrasound technology,we can permanently remove stubborn fat from any area of your body.It is Safe and very effective method for weight loss.

Ultrasonic Liposuction can be done in areas such as:
Hips and thighs
Upper Arms

Advantages of Ultrasound Slimming

Less body fat
Improved your body shape
Improve your self-confidence
Ability to wear any clothes that you like.
Improve Your Appearance

Injection Lipolysis

Injection lipolysis is a cosmetic procedure in which drug mixtures are injected into your body for destroying fat cells.It helps to get rid of unwanted cellulite and fat pockets in your specific areas.It uses a substance called Phosphatidylcholine (PPC), which is injected into the areas of your body to eliminate unwanted fat.It destroy the walls of the fat cells and without affecting other cells of your body.Injection Lipolysis is a non-surgical injection therapy

Ojas Aesthetic clinic offers world class cosmetic treatments at affordable cost under the guidance if Dr. V.K Srinagesh.

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